How does a Leadership in Action Certification benefit me?
This is probably the biggest question on your mind. A LiA Certification will empower you with the leadership skills to inspire a positive change in all facets of our Fraternity and our communities. You can list all of the LiA Modules you've completed on your resume to show potential employers that you are trained in specific areas, which are desirable to many organizations. Also, through LiA you can also become Certified to teach other Members the amazing leadership skills you've gained through the program.
What is a Module?
A Module is a flexible course structure which allows for a variety of teaching methods and accommodates a variety of learning styles. Rather than a traditional lecture-style class, Modules incorporate discussion, activities, cohort groups and other interactive learning experiences. Modules are interactive and will be presented at various levels (Nationally, Regionally and Locally). Check out our Module listing.

How long is each Module?
Each Module varies in length, depending on the Module you select. Many of our Modules are 60 minutes or less.
Where do I begin my involvement with Leadership in Action?
There are plenty of ways to earn Certification points through things you're already doing. For example, if you hold a leadership position, you can earn 1 point when you enroll. Or, if you plan to attend National Convention where a LiA Module will be presented, you'll earn 10 points when you attend.
What do I need to do to get Certified?
All you have to do is enroll in the program and earn 75 points, which can come from local, Regional, National and online Modules like the Lunch & Learn Webinars. Check out our Certification structure.

Who will facilitate the Modules?
Members can become Facilitators by participating in a Facilitator Training session at National Convention or a Leadership Academy.
How do I become a Facilitator?
Our Facilitator Training sessions give Members the skills they need to effectively conduct the highly interactive LiA Modules (And, Members will receive 2 additional points toward LiA Certification for facilitating a local Module, so it's worth it to get trained).
Can Alumni get involved with LiA?
Yes, Alumni are welcome to grow their leadership skills by participating in LiA Modules and Lunch & Learn Webinars to get Certified and become Facilitators.
Further questions? Email to get them answered!