Phi Sigma Pi recognizes excellence within our Chapters by presenting National Awards at the Annual Banquet and Awards Presentation during National Convention. Chapters may submit award nominations throughout the year.
All nominations must be received by June 15 to be considered with the exception of the Jeffrey L. Johnson National Interchapter Fellowship Award, the Distinguished Service Key Award (both due June 1) and the Alumni Tripod Excellence Awards (due May 1). Chapters may submit multiple nominations per award.
To be eligible to receive a National Award, Chapters must have all National forms, dues, induction fees and outstanding debts reconciled before May 15 for semester schools and June 15 for quarter schools. Chapters on probation or suspension for any portion of the academic year are ineligible to receive any National Awards for that academic year. However, all Chapter forms and dues must be submitted regardless of whether the Chapter is eligible to receive a National Award. If a Chapter's end of year report is delinquent for thirty (30) days or more shall not be considered for any National Awards. However, it will be reviewed for the status of the Chapter.

Alumni Tripod Excellence Awards
The Tripod Awards recognize Members who have distinguished themselves through their responsibilities and accomplishments that honor the ideals and mission of Phi Sigma Pi. The honorees must demonstrate leadership and depth in their chosen personal and professional activities, exemplary achievements and demonstrated commitment and goodwill towards the Fraternity.

Jeffrey L. Johnson National Interchapter Fellowship Award
The Jeffrey L. Johnson National Interchapter Fellowship Award has been established so that Chapters and individuals that have exhibited outstanding examples of fellowship towards and with other Chapters may be recognized and honored. Chapters and individuals may only be nominated by the official vote and recognition of fellow Chapters and/or National Council. Though up to two awards may be given each year, an award does not have to be bestowed every year. By this means, the National Council and the nominating Chapters are charged with honoring only the most deserving.

Dr. Jack W. Thornton Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award
Presented annually to those Chapters with outstanding Faculty or Alumni Advisors.

Marder Excellence in National Philanthropy Award
The Marder Excellence in National Philanthropy Award is presented to a Collegiate Chapter for an outstanding National Philanthropy service project. Each Chapter may choose an exemplary service project that it has successfully completed during the past year and write a detailed summary of the project. It is important to note that this award is intended to recognize an outstanding National Philanthropy service project whether it directly benefits the National Philanthropy or coincides with the spirit and purpose of the National Philanthropy. Apply for this award via the Tripod Form in the Chapter Admin Portal.

Dr. Eldo L. Hendricks Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Programming
The Dr. Eldo L. Hendricks Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Programming has been established to recognize Chapters that have provided exceptional education, cultural and leadership programs benefiting their Members and the community in which they live. Up to three awards may be given each year, but an award does not have to be presented every year. Apply for this award via the Tripod Form in the Chapter Admin Portal.

Claude A. Phillips Excellence in Fellowship Award
The Claude A. Phillips Excellence in Fellowship Award is presented to a Collegiate Chapter for an outstanding fellowship event. Apply for this award via the Tripod Form in the Chapter Admin Portal.

C.H. McClure Single Service Award
The C.H. McClure Single Service Award is presented to a Collegiate Chapter for an outstanding service project. Each Chapter may choose an exemplary service project that it has successfully completed during the past year. Apply for this award via the Tripod Form in the Chapter Admin Portal.

Charles W. Chance Excellence in Alumni Relations Award
The Charles W. Chance Excellence in Alumni Relations Award is presented to the Chapter that excels in Alumni relations based upon such areas as sound communication, financial support and Alumni participation in Chapter events. Apply for this award via the Tripod Form in the Chapter Admin Portal. Apply for this award via the Tripod Form in the Chapter Admin Portal.

Distinguished Service Key
A Distinguished Service Key is awarded to a Brother whose contributions nationally or on behalf of the National Fraternity have been outstanding. Chapters who wish to recognize individuals whose contributions are limited to a Chapter are encouraged to consider awarding them a Chapter Service Key. Distinguished Service Key guidelines can be found in the National Constitution.
Non-Nominating Awards
Awards that are not up for nomination and are selected by the National Office include:
Joseph Torchia Outstanding Chapter Award
The Joseph Torchia Outstanding Chapter Award is the first, oldest and most prestigious of the National Awards. Chapters are evaluated for this award on the basis of overall Chapter activities as they strive to achieve a balance of scholarship, leadership and fellowship as well as their performance in completing the principles of the Chapter Standards of Excellence. Recipient nominations of the Torchia Award will be selected by Members of the National Staff. Torchia Award winners will be slated by the National Awards Committee and ratified by a unanimous vote of the National Council.
The Sanders P. McComsey Most Improved Old Chapter Award and The Clarence O. Williams Most Improved New Chapter Award
These are presented to the Chapters that have demonstrated the most overall improvement from the preceding year. A new Chapter is defined as a Chapter that has been active up to and including four (4) National Fraternity fiscal years. An old Chapter is defined as a Chapter that has been active for five (5) or more National Fraternity fiscal years (i.e., A Chapter inducted in Fall 2008 or Spring 2009 is a new Chapter through the 2013-2014 fiscal year).
Steven A. DiGuiseppe Excellence in Administration Award
The Steven A. DiGuiseppe Excellence in Administration Award is presented to the Collegiate Chapter(s) that maintains the highest efficiency in administrative detail. Criteria for evaluation includes the manner in which the Chapter conducts its communication with the National Headquarters as well as with officials of the college or university where the Chapter has been chartered, and whether or not the Chapter exhibits consistency in carrying out its administrative affairs.
Most Outstanding Alumni Chapter
The Most Outstanding Alumni Chapter is presented to Alumni Chapters to recognize overall achievements in their promotion to fellowship, leadership and scholarship in their activities. Each Chapter may submit a nomination by uploading the Most Outstanding Alumni Chapter Essay portion of Form 530 in the Chapter Admin Portal to highlight its involvement in maintaining scholarship, leadership and fellowship involvement. The Form 530 in entirety may also be used by National Council in determining the recipient.