Why Start a Chapter?

Hey, there! Thanks for checking out how to start a chapter of Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity! When it comes to starting a new organization on campus, you have come to the right place.  So what about Phi Sigma Pi stands out? We are the premier fraternal experience for college students. Our Members have access to world class leadership modules, workshops and programs. They also serve as leaders of their communities with their best friends and build a strong academic and career support network. Members who start a chapter are able to enhance their collegiate experience. They are able to work with their best friends to build a chapter from the ground up. As Founding Members you will forever be recognized as the leaders who provided opportunities for future generations. We know that you will find a home within our organization and we look forward to getting to know you better!

What is Phi Sigma Pi?

Our Zeta Beta ChapterPhi Sigma Pi is made up of three parts - ⅓ honor society, ⅓ service organization and ⅓ social organization. We provide our members with professional development, service opportunities and career networking. We impact the communities around us through social service with the goal of improving humanity as Scholars, Leaders, and Fellows. 

Steps to Starting a Chapter

Phi Sigma Pi Membership is designed as a three-part approach for starting a Chapter on your campus. The steps for establishing a Chapter are;

  1. At least 50 individuals on your campus join and complete the National Membership Program
  2. The National Office reaches out to students and those who express interest in starting a local Chapter, will work alongside the National Office and other campus members to prepare the requirements for recognition at the school
  3. Petition the school for recognition

Advantages of Starting a Phi Sigma Pi Chapter

  • You will create the foundation for a Chapter of a national organization and experience leaving a legacy on your campus. Starting a Chapter is an important and directly related experience to most career fields.
  • You will make an immediate impact! Starting your own Chapter means that you can shape the organization as you see fit through leadership roles. Our goal is to build an award-winning Phi Sigma Pi Chapter at your school.
  • You will be invited to attend National Convention to receive your Chapter's charter during the annual National Awards Banquet and be honored with the title of “Founding Member.”

As a Founding Member, you have a much greater ability to shape Chapter operations to ensure long term success and sustainability on your campus. You will be in a position to immediately affect the direction of this new group and help pour the foundation for a strong, meaningful and rewarding Phi Sigma Pi experience on your campus for years to come.