"As a Scholar, I accumulate a breadth of knowledge for the benefit of others." - Phi Sigma Pi Brothers' Creed
Phi Sigma Pi currently offers two scholarships for the support of our Members' education: The Richard Cecil Todd and Clauda Pennock Todd Scholarship for Excellence in Scholarship, Leadership, and Fellowship and The Rolla F. Wood Postgraduate Scholarship for Improving Humanity with Honor. All Scholarship applications are due on April 15.

The Richard Cecil Todd and Clauda Pennock Todd Scholarship for Excellence in Scholarship, Leadership, and Fellowship
In September 1991, Dr. and Mrs. Richard Todd established the Richard Cecil Todd and Clauda Pennock Todd Scholarship for Excellence in Scholarship, Leadership, and Fellowship to promote the future academic opportunity of Phi Sigma Pi Members who have excelled in embodying the ideals of scholarship, leadership and fellowship. Over a period of twenty-five years, he served in the offices of National President, Vice President, Counselor, Historian and Alumni Representative. Dr. Todd passed away on July 18, 1993, but his memory and the innumerable contributions he made to Phi Sigma Pi will never be forgotten. All active Undergraduate Members of Phi Sigma Pi who meet the criteria outlined in the document titled The Richard Cecil Todd and Clauda Pennock Todd Scholarship for Excellence in Scholarship, Leadership, and Fellowship of Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity Charter and Award Criteria are eligible to apply for this yearly scholarship.

The Rolla F. Wood Postgraduate Scholarship for Improving Humanity with Honor
Established in 2004 as the graduate scholarship of Phi Sigma Pi, the award is given to a Member who has been accepted to or enrolled in graduate school or professional program. Professor Wood was dedicated to the betterment of education and his commitment to Phi Sigma Pi. He hailed from our Alpha Chapter, was a long-time Phi Sigma Pi Faculty Advisor and past National President. To apply for The Rolla F. Wood Postgraduate Scholarship for Improving Humanity with Honor, the Member must be in good standing with the National Office of Phi Sigma Pi and submit a completed application.