There are many ways for our Members to give back to the Fraternity. On the National level, we have a variety of volunteering opportunities based on your skills, professional experience and time availability. Each position allows Members of the Fraternity, both at the collegiate level and as Alumni, to continue to serve and work to improve humanity with honor. Apply for a committee, our Chapter Excellence Board, volunteer position or Leadership in Action Facilitator below.

Chapter Excellence Board
The Chapter Excellence Board (CEB) is to be an extension of the National Office’s Chapter Services team in order to provide support from engaged and knowledgeable Alumni. Chapter Excellence Board volunteers are to serve as educators, coaches and mentors to assist Collegiate Chapters in implementing strong and successful operational practices. Advisor responsibilities and support correspond to the Chapter Standards of Excellence evaluation method.

Mentor Match
Mentor Match is a unique online networking and career development tool, which helps Members connect, share experiences and develop their professional skills. Mentoring topics include: applying for jobs, building a resume, preparing for interviews, continuing education, managing projects and more.

Constitution and Chapter Standards Committee
As per the National Constitution, "the Constitution & Chapter Standards Committee shall be chaired by the National Senior Vice President. [...] The Committee shall be responsible to investigate and consider improvement of the National Constitution and to make recommendations to the National Council and Grand Chapter for revision when changes are deemed advisable. The Committee shall explore methods in which Chapters can be educated on Parliamentary Procedure and Phi Sigma Pi governing documents. The Committee shall review all proposed amendments to the National Constitution for consistency in language and format compliance."

National Development Committee
As per the National Constitution, "the National Development Committee shall be chaired and administered by the National President. Committee Members shall include Members in good standing who are appointed to the Committee by the National President. The Committee Members shall participate by invitation in actions and research led by National Officers to further the National development of Phi Sigma Pi."

Awards, Scholarship, & Emblem Committee
The Awards, Scholarship & Emblem Committee, led by the National Secretary, includes at least one Collegiate Chapter member and one National Officer. They review Chapter scores for National Awards, recommend Distinguished Service Key recipients and National Honorary members, and suggest updates to emblems, jewelry, insignia, and official songs when needed.

Service Partners
Phi Sigma Pi is honored to partner with multiple organizations that match our values, including Extra Life, Gift of Life, HOBY and the President’s Volunteer Service Award. Learn more about our service partners and ways to volunteer with them on our service page.