April 21, 2023

National Volunteer Week Spotlight: Swabbing to Save Lives

In just over a year since partnering with Gift of Life, Phi Sigma Pi Members have swabbed over 1,000 people during tabling events and donor drives on their campuses, and have identified seven matches. During the 2022-2023 school year, the Epsilon Xi Chapter at East...
April 21, 2023

National Volunteer Week Spotlight: Alumni Member Whitney Hill

In 2022, 63 Members and five chapters earned the PVSA with Phi Sigma Pi. One of those Members is Whitney Hill (North Carolina State University ‘07), who graduated in 2009 with Bachelor of Arts degrees in Psychology and Criminology. After her undergraduate studies, she completed...
March 27, 2023

A backstage pass to big ideas: Member gains experience through TEDxPSU

As a sophomore at Penn State University, Natalie has already made her mark on campus and within her Phi Sigma Pi Chapter. She is a biobehavioral health major and plans to work in global health after graduating. Natalie is passionate about communication - particularly within...
July 26, 2022

Q&A with Disability Inclusion Advocate Angelica Vega

Q: How did you become involved in disability activism? A: I have had a disability for almost my entire life, but it wasn’t until college that I learned about and eventually became an active member of the disability community. It’s actually Lime Connect that I...