December 23, 2020

HOBY: Building better leaders, building better people

Meet Josh Allmon, Member of the Beta Delta Chapter at North Carolina State University. Read on to hear about Josh’s HOBY experience and how it changed his life for the better. In sophomore year of high school, my AP Calculus teacher recommended HOBY to me...
January 30, 2020

HOBY & Phi Sigma Pi - “It’s a Small World."

Meet Tara Buthod, President of the Alpha Chapter at the University of Central Missouri. Read on to hear about Tara’s HOBY experience and your Chapter can support HOBY. How did you get involved with HOBY? I attended the Missouri HOBY Leadership Seminar in the summer...
December 11, 2019

Continuing Connections through Deliberate Conversations

How to Make Connections “Minute to Win It” is one of the Eta Lambda Chapters most involved Recruitment events where current Members are placed alongside Potential New Members. "This encourages Brotherhood as well as friendly competition," says the Recruitment Advisor. Recruitment is a time to...
November 15, 2019

Showing Thanks by Giving Back

Although service is an integral part of the Fraternity, our Members continuously go above and beyond when finding ways to better their local communities. While completing community service projects, Collegiate Members develop real-world life skills that help them develop in a multitude of ways. Giving...
October 10, 2019

The "Keys" to Success

Christopher was excited to orchestrate the Chapter Service Key award process for Gamma Xi because he wanted an additional way to reward Brothers and to improve morale within the Chapter. The nomination form was sent out to the Chapter which allowed Brothers to nominate any...