January 18, 2018


Each inspiring experience has a beginning and always continues to unfold. My HOBY story started in the Summer of 2016 with volunteering as Group Facilitator at HOBY Delaware Leadership Seminar. I had the chance to witness the Ambassadors building the foundation of their leadership abilities through group conversations, seminar activities and participating in community service. It was truly encouraging to see the students become motivated to be a leader in their home communities and with peers and family. I love the emphasis on community service; the Ambassadors understand that being a leader is not through words but also through actions. My first HOBY Leadership Seminar was life-changing, and It had me wanting to come back as a volunteer the following year. 

Jessica Donnelly

This past summer, I returned as a group facilitator and realized that the students make the Leadership Seminar an inspiring experience because they take the courage to grow the seed of leadership in their life. I was looking for opportunities to get involved in a leadership position with HOBY Delaware. When the chance came to go to the HOBY Training Institute (TI), I was eager to go. I was excited to meet more HOBY volunteers and to learn more about the organization. My time at TI consisted of talking to people from different HOBY sites such as Maryland, South Dakota, New Jersey, Montana, Alabama, Central PA and many more. The sessions I went to helped me see the bigger picture of HOBY with the elements of Marketing, Seminar Operations, Fundraising, Public Relations and Partnership with Phi Sigma Pi. After TI, I reflected on my time and the knowledge that I attained. My excitement for HOBY grew bigger. With going to TI and wanting to get more involved with HOBY, it led me to hold the position of Leadership Seminar Co-Chair for HOBY Delaware. I am looking forward to more exciting HOBY experiences. 

HOBY has helped me to discover my inner leader and meet incredible people. I encourage you to take the opportunity to get involved with HOBY in any way you can.

Watch the HOBY WebinarWatch the Volunteering for HOBY Webinar to hear from Sunshine Navarro Shively, HOBY Registration & Outreach Manager, about all the different ways that YOU can support HOBY and how to get started.