December 23, 2020

Meet Josh Allmon, Member of the Beta Delta Chapter at North Carolina State University. Read on to hear about Josh’s HOBY experience and how it changed his life for the better.

In sophomore year of high school, my AP Calculus teacher recommended HOBY to me and hinted at its uniqueness on a college application. I couldn't be happier I took that advice. I attended both HOBY North Carolina East Leadership Seminar and the World Leadership Congress in the summer of 2016. I have since volunteered on the junior staff at the North Carolina East seminar in the summers of 2017 and 2018, and under special operations both summers. 

HOBY EventHOBY has had a profound impact on my life. I know without a doubt that it changed it for the better. I would not be where I am today if I had not attended the seminar. For me the biggest thing that HOBY did for me was really open my eyes to a type of leadership that fit my personality better; one that I felt comfortable stepping out of my shell and embracing. It encouraged me to strive to not only be the best leader that I could, but to be the best person that I could. Because of HOBY, I felt driven to volunteer and to make a difference. I developed as a leader and a citizen, and I met some of the best mentors and friends along the way.

After I got into college, I began having out-of-state internships every summer, so I would not be able to volunteer for the North Carolina Each Seminar HOBY for a while. I wanted to find a way to be surrounded by individuals committed to living their lives with self-knowledge, uniqueness, and authenticity. Remembering how involved NC State's Phi Sigma Pi Chapter was with the local HOBY program, I knew that this would be a great place to start. And if that wasn't enough to get me to stay, I knew that not only would it be great to surround myself with those kinds of people, but that Phi Sigma Pi would present me with the opportunity to continue being involved with HOBY throughout my college years. 

Engaging with HOBY advances Phi Sigma Pi’s mission of "Improving Humanity with Honor'' by aiding in the development of young people focused on a common purpose of conscientious leadership and citizenship. Experiencing HOBY sends a young leader back to their community with an inner fire for leadership, service and innovation, and those fires are fully capable of starting a movement. It is vital that young people be involved in any movement because they are the future leaders. When you volunteer with HOBY or you donate to HOBY to make it possible for one more kid to attend, you are not only improving that one person's life, but you are instilling in them the potential to truly make a difference in their community, and quite possibly their world.

Are you a HOBY Alumnus and/or Volunteer and looking to learn more about Phi Sigma Pi? Visit to get started!

Are you a Phi Sigma Pi Member looking to get involved with HOBY? Then is the place to be.