September 18, 2017

In the beginning of September, Programming Coordinator Kasi Hicks, visited the Epsilon Mu Chapter at the University of Texas at San Antonio. During this time they were in the middle of a service project for the victims of Hurricane Harvey that devastated Houston. 

Donations collected by the Epsilon Mu Chapter. A bin full of clothes, canned goods, first aid supplies, diapers and more!

The Members of the Epsilon Mu Chapter were thrilled to be able to do something for their community, neighbors and families who were affected by the hurricane. They stated that they wanted to be able to help since it was so close to home for a lot of them and starting this collection was a great way to get involved.

On top of already collecting lots of donations (clothes, canned goods, diapers, first aid supplies and other non-perishable items), with the help of Kasi and the National Staff, the Epsilon Mu Chapter started creating note cards with uplifting messages to be sent to the victims. Not only did current Members fill out cards but they passed out blank cards during their table fair and their Invitational Meeting to Potential New Members to allow others to participate in their service event. 

Doing this was a great way to show (not just tell) PNMs about the service the Epsilon Mu Chapter is involved with. The PNMs were excited to be part of this and over 40 cards were written.

A few of the cards Members and PNMs completed for Hurricane Harvey victims.

You can support Members who were affected by Hurricane Harvey and Irma by donating to the Subrosa Fund.

You can also donate to the Red Cross Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma Relief funds.

texas card
An uplifting message was written by an Epsilon Mu Chapter Member.