SURGE (n): a strong, wavelike, forward movement

SURGE is Phi Sigma Pi's Recruitment program that is designed to support our Chapters in increasing the number of Potential New Members that go through their Recruitment process. 

There are three ways your Chapter can participate in SURGE. It is important to note that your Chapter does not have to participate in all three in order to participate.

  1. Recruitment Materials-  Receive posters, handouts, table tents, business cards, water bottle sleeves, social media images and more with your Recruitment dates, locations and times. Leave the work to create all of these advertisements to the National Staff so that your Chapter can focus on the Potential New Members. 
  2. Your Phi Sigma Pi Webpage- Every Phi Sigma Pi Chapter has a webpage on this website. This page is all yours for Recruitment. By filling out the SURGE form, you can customize the information on the website, adding pictures and your recruitment dates, locations and times. Also on this webpage is an RSVP form. Advertise this link so Potential New Members can fill out the form and let you know what events they will be attending. The other perk of having Potential New Members fill out the RSVP form is that we will collect their name, email address, phone number and graduation year to start a PNM list for years to come if they decide to wait another term before joining. This is a great way to start creating email lists for those interested in Phi Sigma Pi. 
  3. Recruitment Emails- Leave the administrative work to the National Staff. We will send out a customized Recruitment email with your Chapter picture, dates, locations and times to a list of eligible PNMs. This list can come from your school’s Registrar’s Office, Faculty Advisor or could be a list that you have put together throughout the year. Sending Recruitment emails with your Chapters’ information in it has been proven to be a Recruitment booster.

If you ever need additional support, do not hesitate to email or call the National Office at (717) 299-4710