Stress is an inevitable part of life; it can take a toll on a persons' physical health, emotional wellbeing and academic success unless it is learned to manage appropriately. Identifying the most common sources of your stress and how you react will allow you to be more in tune during a stressful time like finals and the end of the year. 

Let's take a couple of minutes to zero in on subtle issues that may be affecting your stress level. Rate each of the 12 statements one through five where one= very relevant and five= not relevant at all to your life situation.

Take a minute and review the statements you gave a one. Out of those statements, which ones are under your control and which ones are out of your control?

Then, think of a proactive way to react to the events that you can't control and ways to improve the situations you can.

The Stress Cycle

The Stress CycleNo matter where the stress starts, stress follows a basic pattern. It starts with an event, followed by your perception of the event or how you interpret the event and what you say to yourself about it and then ends with your mental and physical responses. It is important to note that the event itself is not the stressor, it is your reaction to it that causes stress.

Most people assume that the only mental response to stress is negative. However, positive responses are possible and appropriate as well. Positive responses are played out in our heads through self-talk. With positive self-talk, you consciously choose how to think about a stressful event, rather than immediately going to a negative reaction. Some ways to practice positive self-talk is by thinking:

  • Why is this upsetting?
  • What are my options?
  • What information do I need?
  • I can only control what I do.

The most common physical response to stress is burnout. The more stress you experience, the more it wears you down physically leading to possible exhaustion and illness due to a weakened immune system. Let's assess if you are feeling burnout by completing the assessment below. Put a check in the box if your answer is "yes."

If you checked two or more questions, you may be experiencing burnout. If you are burned out there are several things you can do to overcome it and stay motivated. Here are just a few:

  • Take breaks during the day.
  • Put away your digital devices.
  • Do something that interests you.
  • Focus on the meaning of your schoolwork or work in general.

What is one way you would like to start conquering burnout? 

Take a screenshot of your answer and make it your screensaver to your phone as a reminder for the end of the academic year.

Managing Stress

There are several ways that you can manage stress. Here are the top three from the Phi Sigma Pi National Staff:

  1. Exercising- Exercise combats stress by revving up circulation, raising blood sugar levels and sparking the production of endorphins. A well-rounded exercise program includes three objectives: strength, flexibility and aerobic capacity. 
  2. Pressing pause on life, taking a break and getting enough sleep- Exhaustion is a common symptom of stress. Take a 10-15 minute cat nap when you need it and get 8 hours of sleep a night. 
  3. Listening to music- Whether it is meditation or your favorite band, listening to music affects your mood. Faster music can make you feel more alert and concentrate better. Upbeat music can make you feel more optimistic and positive. A slower tempo can quiet your mind and relax your muscles.

Completing this activity was a great start to being more aware of yourself when it comes to stress. We hope that this will allow you to stay motivated during what is, for most students, one of the most stressful time of year. Remember, it is your perception of the event that creates the stress. Stay positive! You can do this!

Leadership in Action

This activity is just one of hundreds that Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity's Leadership in Action program offers. Leadership in Action is an award-winning Certification program based on soft skills for school, the workforce and life. This program is offered to Phi Sigma Pi Members. Once our Members earn their Leadership in Action Certification they obtain a certificate, letter of recommendation and pin. Want more information on becoming a Member of Phi Sigma Pi to take advantage of this program? Then fill out the following form.