September 7, 2017
Fighting Procrastination Day

We all do it, procrastinate or postpone/delay needlessly something that needs to be done. It could be a paper for class, a project you're working on or maybe even filling out the Form 110. Unfortunately, procrastination doesn't end at graduation. That's why it is so important to start practicing tips now to find out what works for you to eliminate procrastination.

Did you know?

There's a "holiday" that even celebrates fighting procrastination? It falls on September 6th of every year. Let's challenge ourselves to use these tips to fight procrastination.

Tips for fighting procrastination:

Tip 1: Take a break. Go for a walk outside. This will help you get refreshed and refocused when you go to do your work. 

Tip 2: Eliminate interruptions & distractions. Put emails, social media, text messages aside for an hour or two every day to get some work done.

Tip 3: Prioritize one thing every day to get done. Make a clear goal in the morning that you will definitely do today.

Tip 4: Create a done list. List everything you accomplished that day. Seeing it and writing it down will make you feel like you got things done.

Tip 5: Get enough sleep. If you are tired, you will more likely fall into distractions and put things off because you are too tired to think about them. 

Tip 6: Reward yourself for completing a task.

Print these tips out, place them on your computer and mark your calendar now for September 6th of next year. When that day comes around take a look back and reflect on what you learned works for you when fighting procrastination. It's a skill you will use for a lifetime.

There aLeadership in Actionre two types of procrastinators: Tense-Afraid and Relaxed-Denial. Which one are you? Find out during the Leadership in Action Module Juggling Multiple Priorities- I Can Do That Later. Request it today.