Information on National Council

Phi Sigma Pi’s National Council was formed in 1925 and provides strategic direction for Phi Sigma Pi. This is equivalent to how a Board of Directors works for any other non-profit entity. The National Council, collectively, works as a team to provide ideas, feedback, and direction to the National Staff. The National Staff take these ideas to develop and implement projects.

It is important to note that the National Council does not conduct the day-to-day work of running the Fraternity. The day-to-day operations are handled by our full-time professional staff, led by the Executive Director. The National Staff ensure that chapter development, member development, alumni development, and philanthropy development are adequately addressed within Phi Sigma Pi. 

If elected, you will be asked to agree to the National Council Standards. These National Council Standards are a guideline to govern your conduct while serving as a National Officer and violations may result in disciplinary action at the discretion of the remaining National Officers. 

By submitting a National Council Nomination Form, you agree that you understand the role of the National Council and if elected, will comply with the National Council Standards.

Description of National Officers

The National Council is comprised of seven (7) National Officers: National President, Senior Vice President, National Secretary, Vice President of Finance, and three (3) Vice Presidents of Development. 

All candidates for National Council shall be Members in good standing who have been Active in Phi Sigma Pi for at least two (2) semesters or three (3) quarters not including the semester/quarter of induction. Candidates for National President must have served on National Council for at least 12 months prior to election as National President.

National President

The National President presides over all meetings of the National Council and the Grand Chapter. The National President also appoints all Committee Members and ensures that Phi Sigma Pi policies are carried out. 

Candidates for National President must have served on National Council for at least 12 months prior to election as National President.

Senior Vice President

The Senior Vice President presides at all meetings of the National Council and Grand Chapter in the National President’s absence. The Senior Vice President is the chairperson of the Constitution and Chapter Standards Committee, which reviews all National Constitution amendments. The Senior Vice President also advises Phi Sigma Pi on risk-management issues.

National Secretary

The National Secretary is responsible for ensuring that the National Constitution, Charters, Rituals, and all documents of Phi Sigma Pi are preserved. The National Secretary takes minutes of National Council and Grand Chapter meetings to ensure accurate records are maintained. The National Secretary also serves as the chairperson of the Awards, Scholarship & Emblem Committee.

Vice President of Finance

The Vice President of Finance ensures that the appropriate fiduciary and bookkeeping control procedures are maintained. The Vice President of Finance is a permanent member of the Personnel Committee and is a liaison between National Council and the Phi Sigma Pi Foundation.

Vice Presidents of Development

The Vice Presidents of Development actively work with the rest of the National Council to provide strategic direction. They help in implementing comprehensive development strategies to improve Phi Sigma Pi.

For help or additional information, please contact the National Office at

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