April 5, 2019

Alumni Member nurtures ‘pay-it-forward’ approach

Colleen Donathan Arnett admits to joining the Phi Sigma Pi Beta Omicron Chapter in 1997 simply because she was looking for something to do. “I wanted to get involved in something, and I already knew some people in the Chapter.” Little did she know that...
April 2, 2019

Writing a Thank-You Card

A thank-you note or email, can show your appreciation, boost your career, help you get a job offer and strengthen your relationship with a professor, co-worker or networking contact. Sometimes, however, we find ourselves staring at a blank card or screen with no idea where...
April 1, 2019

Beta Delta Chapter Member helps develop escape-room video game

Later this month, Ben Johnson will travel to the East Coast Game Conference in Raleigh, North Carolina, to showcase a unique video game he has been helping to create. The NC State University computer science junior has been writing code for “Lifeworld,” a virtual reality...
March 26, 2019

Alumna guides mental health patients through recovery

Sometimes the best organization to understand your situation is one that focuses specifically on your areas of concern. The Peer Intensive Care Services at Tennessee Mental Health Consumer Association, with a number of locations in the state, does just that. As their website explains, they...