October 18, 2018

Adapting to Change

You've probably heard the saying "the only constant is change." Our lives are constantly transforming, from joining a new organization, graduating from college, moving to a new home or starting a new job. Change is exciting but also can be terrifying at the same time...
October 11, 2018

Five steps toward graduation

First-year students will soon learn that each semester and each year will seem to go faster than the last. As this December’s graduating seniors prepare to carry the Lamp of Knowledge into the world from their Collegiate Chapters, many might still be uninformed about what...
October 10, 2018

Meet Phi Sigma Pi Advisor Shannon Stewart

One of the 2018 nominees of The Dr. Jack Thornton Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award was Zeta Xi Chapter Advisor at Coastal Carolina University, Shannon Stewart. Meet Shannon C. Stewart, Ph.D. Shannon Stewart has been part of, what you could say is, almost every level of...
October 10, 2018

Phi Sigma Pi Executive Director started on ground floor, literally

You could call Suzanne Schaffer the keystone of the Phi Sigma Pi National Staff. The National Headquarters in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, was practically built around her, when she began as a Chapter Consultant in 1996. “The new National Headquarters’ doors opened the same month I started,”...