April 26, 2024


Summer Member Engagement: A Guide for Leaders

As the temperatures rise and summer break approaches, it’s easy for the momentum of your chapter to dwindle. But, with a little proactive effort, you can maintain engagement among your members throughout the summer months. Follow along to read some tips to ensure your chapter remains vibrant and connected during the break.


1.  Keep up with the Chapter’s Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for staying connected and keeping your members engaged, even when they're scattered across different locations. Regularly update your chapter’s social media platforms with relevant content, like throwback photos and what your Members are doing over the summer! Plus, keeping your social media active is highly beneficial when it comes time for recruitment. 

Members together with PSP letters.


2. Check in with Fellow Leaders

Effective communication among chapter leaders is crucial for maintaining a strong team. Don’t forget to check in with your fellow leaders to discuss ideas, address any concerns, and ensure everyone is on the same page. Collaborate on strategies to keep the chapter active and engaged over the summer.


3. Connect with Chapter Members and Keep Communication Open

Reach out to individual chapter members to see how they’re doing and let them know you’re excited to see them in the fall! Personalized messages can go a long way in making members feel appreciated and connected. Make use of group chats and other forums where you can keep the chapter connected from a distance. If Members are sticking around your campus for the summer, meet up to hang out or volunteer together! 


4. Plan for a Successful Fall Term

Use the summer months as an opportunity to lay the groundwork for a successful fall term. Brainstorm ideas for events and initiatives that will excite your members and attract potential new members. Set goals and create plans of action so that you can hit the ground running when you get back on campus! 


Summer may be a time for relaxation and vacation, but it doesn’t mean your chapter’s momentum has to come to a halt. By staying active on social media, communicating regularly with fellow leaders and Members, and planning ahead for the fall term, you can keep your chapter engaged and thriving throughout the summer months. Remember, a little effort now can lead to a stronger, more cohesive chapter in the future!


Questions? The National Office is here to help! Chat with us here.

Chapter photo.