October 19, 2017

Obtaining a Tax ID#

Does your Chapter need to open a bank account? In order to establish one, a Tax ID Number is required for your Chapter. Completing tax forms can be confusing and hard to know which form you need. The Leadership in Action video for this month...
October 12, 2017

Conquering Moments of Frustration

Everyone has those moments or days where frustration sets in and the challenges that you are facing feel like they will never be conquered. When faced with a frustrating challenge, use these 6 methods to help regain focus and tackle the challenge again. Take a...
September 28, 2017

Bigs and Littles

Bigs and Littles create a special bond and can play an important role in your Phi Sigma Pi life. It all starts with the matching of Bigs to Littles. Matching up Bigs and Littles is a fun and great Fellowship event to get Members and...
September 19, 2017

National Hazing Prevention Week

This week is National Hazing Prevention Week and we challenged Chapters and Members to show us and the world "Why We Don't Haze." By using the #pspwedonthaze on social media, Chapters have shared some creative and great ways why they don't haze! Below are some...
September 7, 2017

Fighting Procrastination

We all do it, procrastinate or postpone/delay needlessly something that needs to be done. It could be a paper for class, a project you're working on or maybe even filling out the Form 110. Unfortunately, procrastination doesn't end at graduation. That's why it is so...