The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA), a federal program of the United States, managed by Americorp, recognizes incredible individuals who are committed to a high level of volunteerism and service. These individuals work tirelessly to help solve some of the toughest challenges facing their communities, and our nation.

PSAVAs an official certifying organization, Phi Sigma Pi Members are eligible to receive this special award for their annual volunteer service. This program is fully funded thanks to the generous donations to the Lamp of Knowledge fund. Chapters and Members that achieve the minimum 100 hours of service, will receive the PVSA award package which will include a custom letter from the President, a certificate and a pin.

Congratulations to the 2024 President's Volunteer Service Award Recipients!


Annual Award Year
Volunteer service hours are completed between July 1 - June 30. All service hours must be reported to the National Office by July 10 to be counted. See below for information on how to report your service hours. 


PVSA Eligibility

  • Member of Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity
  • United States citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States
  • Completes eligible service within a 12-month period (July 1 - June 30)

Per federal program rules, the PVSA may only be awarded to U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents (i.e. green card holders). However, all Members are encouraged to submit their volunteer service hours to the National Office to receive recognition from Phi Sigma Pi and contribute hours towards their Chapter/Association's total.


Eligible Service

  • Unpaid acts of volunteer service benefiting others (can be in-person or virtual)
    • Note: Experiences such as internships and student teaching, which are requirements for a degree program do not qualify as volunteer acts of service.
  • Eligible Service does NOT include: donating funds, political lobbying (non-partisan voter registration is an eligible activity), religious instruction, conducting worship service, proselytizing, volunteer service performed as part of court-ordered community service and serving only family members.

This document includes ideas for volunteer service opportunities, which include serving as a Phi Sigma Pi Chapter Officer/Committee Chair. However, this is not an exhaustive list. Members should submit any volunteer acts of service they complete during the year for other charitable organizations.


Hours Required to Earn Awards in Each Age Group

Age GroupBronzeSilverGold
Young Adult (16-25)100-174 hours175-249 hours250+ hours
Adults (26+)100-249 hours250-499 hours500+ hours
Chapters100-249 hours250-499 hours500+ hours


Award Package
Members who achieve the minimum of 100 hours of volunteer service during the award year, will receive:

  • The official President’s Volunteer Service Award pin
  • A personalized certificate of achievement and letter signed by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
  • Congratulatory letter from the Phi Sigma Pi National Office

The award package will be mailed directly to qualifying Members in the fall.


Chapter Awards
Chartered Phi Sigma Pi Chapters are also eligible to receive the official President's Volunteer Service Award coin, certificate of achievement and letter signed by the President.

Group awards require the participation of two or more active Members each contributing at least 25 hours toward the group’s total volunteering hours, which must reach a minimum of 100 hours.

The Member must be an active Member of the Chapter and log their hours individually via CORE. Members can complete these hours on their own and/or as part of Chapter service events, both in-person and virtually.


Tracking Service Hours
It is recommended that Members keep track of their volunteer service hours throughout the year. A Google Sheets template has been created that can be downloaded and/or copied to a Google Drive to assist Members in tracking hours on their own.


Reporting Hours to the National Office
Members will report their volunteer service hours via CORE. Go here to log your Volunteer Service Hours (instructions). If you need assistance with your login, email

Information that will be required to submit is:

  • Date(s) of the Volunteer Service
  • Brief Description of the Service
  • Number of Service Hours
  • Organization Supported

The total number of volunteer service hours will be calculated in the system.


Interested in learning more about the President's Volunteer Award? Fill out this inquiry form. Or if you have any questions email